Why N.E.E.D. Was Created
As an educator for H.S. students for over 18 years, in my experience, I found that we would help students to graduate, but often times these same students were not really prepared to be successful in society. They lacked social skills, financial literacy, business education, college and career preparation, networking skills, etc... Many couldn't even write a resume or address a letter, and unfortunately many dropped out of college. As a result, it creates a group of children who feel lost and are really in need. And this is especially prevalent in the lower income neighborhoods. Furthermore, many times these children come from single-mother/parent homes, where the parent also needs help. Seeing these unfortunate circumstances time and time again, and not much being done to help, deeply saddened me. Thus, N.E.E.D. was created to help prepare our youth to be successful and productive members of our society, during and after the commencement of H.S. And to help motivate and encourage them to keep progressing forward. Additionally, to create a holistic approach we want to help provide support and encouragement for the single parents that are raising these children in need.